uPVC Windows Southampton | Double Glazed Windows | Free Quotes

uPVC Windows Southampton and Hampshire

Hampshire Bifolds supply and install a range of quality uPVC windows across Southampton and Hampshire. We offer this service to homeowners in Waltham Chase, Hedge End, Southampton, Hamble, Winchester, Hampshire, and the surrounding areas. Contact us online today to start designing your windows and begin your competitive quote.
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double glazed upvc windows southampton

Double and Triple Glazed uPVC Windows

uPVC has become the standard material for windows in the past few decades. It’s no surprise either. uPVC windows have a fantastic reputation for providing outstanding performance combined with sleek and slimline aesthetics. Naturally durable, uPVC double glazed windows offer a fantastic strength, which allows them to have a very slim framework. Slimmer frameworks mean more glass for your home.

Here at Hampshire Bifolds, we only deliver the very best uPVC windows for our customers. To achieve this, we work with leading industry suppliers, such as Rehau. By working with the very best of the industry, we ensure that our double glazing will offer homeowners across Southampton and Hampshire high performance products. From security to thermal efficiency and acoustic insulation, you’ll enjoy a wealth of benefits.

Slim Framework

uPVC windows will offer your home a slim, sleek looking double glazing design, promoting natural light.

Thermal Efficiency

Naturally insulating, you’ll enjoy great levels of thermal retention from our uPVC windows.

Versatile Design

Our uPVC windows come in a range of designs, catering to your specific aesthetic style.

Multipoint Locks

Ensuring your home is safe and protected, our windows use multipoint locks.

Long Lasting

Forget about years; you’re more likely to receive decades of high performance from uPVC windows.

Market Leading Names

Our Trusted Partners

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Windows Hampshire


uPVC Window Prices in Southampton and Hampshire

Like the look of our uPVC windows? Get in touch with our Southampton based team to request a quote online or on 01489 660120 today!

upvc windows hants

Naturally Insulating uPVC Windows

For many homeowners, the main reason to upgrade to new uPVC windows is to improve the thermal efficiency of their home. With the cost of living and energy bills ever on the rise, this is a sensible thing to do. Our double and triple glazed windows will offer a fantastic level of thermal efficiency, helping to stop heat loss in the home. As a result, your or home will be toasty and warm.

While you’ll be able to feel the benefits of a warmer home, you could also see them too! With more heat staying inside the home for longer, you could find yourself with less reliance on central heating. This being the case, you could also see a drop in your utility bills. If you’re looking to make a cosier, more cost effective home, our range of uPVC windows could make a dramatic difference to your property.


Contact Us Today

Want to find out more about our range of uPVC windows? If that’s the case, why not get in touch with our Southampton based team today? Experts in the home improvements industry, we’ll happily give you all the help and advice you need to find the perfect windows for your home. Use our free online contact form or call us directly on 01489 660120.


Low Maintenance Long Lasting uPVC Windows

Compared to antiquated materials, uPVC windows are an incredibly hassle free solution for homeowners. Wooden windows, by comparison, require large amounts of maintenance and cleaning to keep looking their best. With uPVC double glazing, you’ll have a completely hassle free solution. As little as a simple wipe of the cloth is all it takes for your windows to stay looking their best.

When choosing new home improvements for your home, you want to choose products that will last. This is where uPVC windows really come into their own. uPVC is an incredibly long lasting material. With an average lifespan of more than 30 years, you’re choosing decades of high performance windows. For home improvements that will last the test of time, choose uPVC.

For many homeowners, security is essential. You want to be able to rest in your home with complete peace of mind. Our uPVC windows will allow you to do this. With a range of the latest multipoint locking installed, our windows will keep your home safe and protected. Even the most determined intruders will be repelled by your impact resistance and highly secure double glazed windows.

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